Posted by: Puma1 | July 16, 2009

Obama Deliberately Upstages Hillary, Holds “Surprise” Press Conference During Clinton Speech

The childish Teleprompter-in-Chief hogs the limelight and pushes Hillary to the background…again:

Aides to Secretary of State Clinton have been hyping her foreign policy speech today as a breakout party, where she would promote President Obama’s overseas agenda and re-assert her diplomatic bonafides.

The upbeat advance press for Clinton’s speech was breathtaking and it appeared she would be the story of the day. But then President Obama scheduled an event at the same hour in the Rose Garden, appearing with nurses to attack insurance companies over what he sees as lousy health care coverage.

Not surprisingly, the cable news networks carried Obama’s remarks live as Clinton began to speak. Fortunately for Clinton, at least one cable network eventually flashed to her, but not until after the President stopped speaking.

Naturally, the White House said it was sheer coincidence and there was no intention to play dueling speeches.

“We can walk and chew gum at the same time. We can do a speech on foreign policy and health care at the same time,” said an administration official, who insisted White House press aides had dedicated a significant amount of time urging reporters to cover Clinton’s speech.

But one veteran of the Clinton White House tells The Mouth, “In other administrations when the President was speaking no one else in the administration was allowed to speak. Alternatively, if another administration official was already scheduled to speak at an event, the White House press office made sure the President spoke either before or after and not during.”

Our source puts the blame mostly on the White House. “At the very least it’s complete non-coordination between the White House communications and press operation and Cabinet agencies — in this case a high profile department and Cabinet secretary giving a major address outlining the President’s agenda,” the source said. “It does not make sense for the President to drown out his secretary of state when she is trying to line up influential and public support for his foreign policy. Scheduling matters.”

via Hillary Loses Air War to Obama | Mouth of the Potomac – New York Daily News

Hillary has to be furious about this, although she is much to professional to say anything about it.

What does this mean? Obama clearly can’t stand anyone else being in the spotlight, especially a competent, rising rival with at 70+ approval rating in contrast to the failing fortunes of his economy, his agenda, and his falling approval rating which is now in the low 50s.

Obama’s manipulative behavior will surely continue to backfire as he reveals himself to be more and more of an Empty Suit on a daily basis. Obama would do well to let his popular Secretary of State have some air time, because the more people see of the President the less they like what they see.


  1. I can’t believe this man is the President of our country. Not even Bush behaved like this.

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